Teddy Chenya

Premium Ghostwriting and Digital Marketing


We often judge ourselves harshly during uncertain times. And they are quite many in life.

But the moon offers us a different type of wisdom.

Just take a look at the dark night sky. The moon doesn’t apologize for its phases. Some nights, it’s a slender crescent. Other nights, a radiant full circle. Each phase is complete. Each phase is perfect.

Just like you.

Sometimes we feel fragmented. Incomplete. Broken into pieces.

The moon understands this intimately. It wanes. It disappears. It seems to vanish entirely.

But always, always, it returns whole.

Your life is not a linear path. It’s a series of beautiful, imperfect cycles. Times of fullness. Times of emptiness. Times of gradual rebuilding.

The moon doesn’t fight its transformation. It doesn’t resist. It simply is.

What if you could embrace yourself with the same gentle acceptance?

When you feel small, remember the moon.
When you feel scattered, trust your wholeness.
When you feel lost, know you are always returning to yourself.