Teddy Chenya

Premium Ghostwriting and Digital Marketing

Gut Feeling

March was rough. I was feeling down about performance at work where I didn’t feel I had made progress as was expected.

On the long Easter weekend, I set down for fun family stuff, enjoyed the activities but I couldn’t get my head out of the problems.

At the end of the holiday, I tried to feel better by thinking about good things in my life.

But I kept making them into things that are bad about the world in general and my profession.

I thought with great children, I should be enjoying time with them. At work I should be on a roll.

I mean. Things are objectively going well in my life.

Why not.

Rich people don’t typically think that much about poor people.

Those of us who eat meat typically don’t think that much about the lives of the animals we eat. 

Whatever happens, I shouldn’t spend time worrying about it.

At my workplace, I can see some tangible results if I do more or better work.

I hope starting this April, I will care a lot less about things that are wrong in the world.