Teddy Chenya

Premium Ghostwriting and Digital Marketing

5 Steps to Level Up.

There are so many distractions in our lives. How can we stop wasting the precious time. People are always not studying, not working a job or not even caring for basic stuff. How can we level up? Below are some steps to put our stuff together and start focusing on our dreams.

Sacrifice now, rest later. Always have this principle that whenever you sacrifice something now, you will rest later. I guess you know how the opposite works.

Start reading or writing. If you you don’t read, then now is the best time to start. Reading is going through the thought process of others. You’re basically copy-pasting ways of living and many other different stuff from others. Writing helps you organize your thoughts and new ideas, so that they’re not just some notions in your mind. Have you ever tried to explain something you thought you understood to someone and then you were just as confused as the person you were speaking to? Yeah, get your thoughts straight.

Exercise. It is a shame for a man to grow old without seeing the beauty and strength which his body is capable of, said Socrates. Other than just strength and beauty, there’s also a lot of benefits for exercising, such as stress relief, increase in serotonin, testosterone, etc.

Take responsibility, at least for your own failures and mistakes. Your first step to improve is to fix your own mistakes. That’s why you shouldn’t compare yourself to others but to who you were yesterday. The person who you were yesterday has had all the same successes and failures as the person you are today, in addition to knowing that person the most.